Connecting an Apple Device to the ACM Wireless Network
Menu options and network settings may differ based on device and version of Windows.
Before you start:
You must be aware of and abide by ACM Technology Policies.
You will need to contact the helpdesk at 301-784-5444 for credentials for logging
into wifi.
*If you are not a student or ACM Faculty/Staff member, you may connect to the ACM Guest Network
- On your device, navigate to Settings, then choose Wi-Fi
- Confirm that Wi-Fi is set to On
- ACM should be automatically detected if you are in range/on campus
- Contact the helpdesk at 301-784-5444 for credentials for logging into wifi
- Tap Join
** You may see a Verify Certificate screen – if so, click Continue (or it may say
Trust or Accept depending on device/version)
- ACM should now show as Connected
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If you are having trouble getting connected, please contact the HelpDesk at 301-784-5444,
email, or go to room T115 in the Technology Building for assistance.