The Makerspace at Western Maryland Works is a collaborative work space where we encourage creativity, innovation, exploration, and application of personalized learning strategies. A maker has the mindset of creating something out of nothing and exploring new interests.
The Makerspace is a large commercial grade Digital Fabrication Lab, 3D Printing including commercial grade printers, CNC Machining, and Woodworking lab will be available to the public, local businesses, and entrepreneurs for daily rates and monthly memberships. Safety classes will be required and classes to assist users will also be offered. Technicians will be onsite to assist users.
As of March 1, 2024, we require an appointment to ensure the best possible experience in our digital fabrication lab and our woodshop. Please email or call 301-784-5236 for an appointment during our makerspace hours.
Woodshop Courses
DIgital Fabrication Lab Courses
3D Printing - 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Western Maryland Works has both consumer and production grade fused disposition modeling (FDM) and UV hardened liquid resin (Polyjet) . Make your own designs or download open-source files to start printing.
Digital Fabrication – Digital fabrication is a type of manufacturing process where the machine used is controlled by a computer and complex software. Western Maryland Works has industry grade machines that can cut, shape, or engrave wood, metal, plastics, glass, and a variety of composite materials.
Woodworking - Woodworking is a productive craft that involves cutting, shaping, and joining wood to create decorative and/or useful things. Fitted with high-quality dust collection, the wood fabrication shop at Western Maryland Works has hand tools and industry grade equipment to meet beginner to professional alike.