Heather Greise

Heather Greise

At a Glance

Name: Heather Greise
Position(s): Associate Professor of Academic Development, Academic Assessment Committee and co-chair of Student Emergency Support Committee

League of Innovation Award write up

Heather Greise, an associate professor of Academic Development, joined the college in 2016. Regarded as an expert teacher, she engages students in the learning process through class activities, incorporating guest speakers, and finding opportunities for interactions and growth. “She has a gift for presenting complex material in concise ways,” noted a colleague. Known for her own personal commitment to learning, Greise completed the college’s teaching and learning community program, continues to self-direct her own research and is a frequent presenter at faculty teaching and learning community workshops. She is a member of the college’s Academic Assessment Committee, and in 2022, she guided the inclusion of general education learning outcomes in curriculum. She serves as the faculty poetry editor for the Expressions student literary magazine. Greise is known on campus and the community for her tireless work as co-chair of the Student Emergency Support Committee, which oversees The Pantry, the college’s onsite permanent food and personal supply pantry for students. Using videos and social media, in-person and virtual presentations and on-campus events, Greise not only promotes The Pantry but raises awareness of food and basic needs insecurity on college campuses. She works closely with the college’s partner, UMD Extension SNAP-Ed, and the Western Maryland Food Bank. Greise was recently recognized as part of the award-winning Basic Needs Security Collaboration project. 


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