Gabby Salas

Gabby Salas

At a Glance

Name: Gabby Salas
Major: Psychology
High school: Allegany High School

Q & A
  • Why did you choose ACM and why should others consider attending?

    I chose ACM because I wanted to stay close to home for my first two years of college, and through dual enrollment, I got to know some of the staff and faculty and everyone is awesome!

  • What makes ACM special?

    ACM is special because it is such a close community. Anything you need, there is someone to help you. Everyone is so friendly and it is a great way to start your college experience.

  • What are you studying and what are your career goals?
    I am currently studying Psychology. I’m graduating ACM a semester early and moving on to FSU in the spring. I hope to complete my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Psych and eventually get my PsyD to do some clinical work!
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