Register to Vote

Voter Friendly Campus

Key Civic Dates & Upcoming Events
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General Election | November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) 7am – 8pm

ACM in the News


The Maryland State Board of Elections is a key resource for state residents to exercise their right to vote. Visit to:

  • Register to Vote
  • Find My Polling Place
  • See if I’m Already Registered
  • Request an Absentee Ballot
  • Find Accessibility and Disability Information

Allegany College of Maryland prides itself in being recognized as one of the nation's democracy schools. ACM was one of the 26 original signatory community colleges in the Democracy Project, that recognized the important role community colleges have in creating an informed citizenry for the health of our democracy. At ACM, we pride ourselves in providing opportunities for our students to engage with numerous local partners in order to address issues in our community. Students develop a greater understanding of the community and of people who may be different from them. What results is that students feel a greater sense of civic attitudes and civic behaviors, that often is transformative.

Dr. Kurt Hoffman, Senior Vice-President of Instructional and Student Affairs

Civic Engagement means making a difference in our communities and developing a combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation needed to enact change. It includes formal and informal activities including voting. By voting, you are demonstrating your support for an individual, law, or stance and influencing the results of an election. Having the right to vote has been a long, hard-fought battle in the United States requiring multiple amendments and acts that permitted different populations voting rights. Register to vote! It's your right and your voice 


All-In Highly Established Action Plan 2024


Most Engaged ACM


All-In Silver



Meet Our Student Voter Registration Ambassadors

Cornell "CJ" Johnson



Does My Vote Really Matter?

YES! Your vote absolutely matters - and probably more than you think. In 2016, less than two-thirds of voting-age Americans voted. Decisions get made by those who show up, decisions that will affect your life and countless others, around the globe and right here at home. If you want to be heard, you have to raise your voice.

Who's eligible to Vote?

You must be a US Citizen and must be at least 18 years old. In Maryland, you can register to vote as young as 16, but you can’t cast your vote unless you are or will be 18 by November 3.

Can I Vote at any polling location?

During Maryland's Early Voting period, you can vote at any polling place in your county. If you go to vote on election day, you must vote at your assigned polling location, or you can vote by absentee ballot.

Do I have to Have ID with me to Vote?

Maryland law doesn't require every voter to bring identification, but in certain extraordinary circumstances, voters may need to prove they're who they say they are. Visit the Maryland State Board of Election for a list of acceptable forms of identification; your ACM student ID will work!

I know somebody who is probably going to need help casting their ballot. Can I go with them and help?

People who need help voting—due to language barrier, disability, or any other reason—can have someone of their choice help them cast their vote. Visit for more information.

Students registered to Vote
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