Individual Tutors

Individual tutoring is available for many courses that are not supported by walk-in study labs. Students are encouraged to apply for an individual tutor early in the semester and to meet with the tutor on a regular basis. Tutors are assigned based on qualifications and availability. If a qualified tutor is not available, students will be placed on a waiting list. Please note that due to the limited availability of qualified tutors, ACM cannot guarantee that a tutor will be assigned.

If you are interested in seeking an individual tutor, complete and submit the online application.

Most individual tutors are current students at Allegany College of Maryland or recent graduates. They provide the following assistance to students enrolled in credited courses at ACM:

  • Review of course material
  • Study skills
  • Note-taking
  • Exam preparation
  • Building confidence with academic ability

Once a student has submitted his/her application, every effort will be made to locate a qualified tutor. When a qualified tutor has been located, students will receive a tutor assignment notification at their ACM college email address. Students should contact the tutor within 48 hours at the listed ACM college email address to schedule their first tutoring session.


Become a Student Tutor

One way to build professional credentials, to strengthen academic and people skills, and to earn some money is to become a Student Tutor. 


  • An overall (cumulative) grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  • An A or B in the course(s) to be tutored. In the event that the student has taken a more advanced course that requires a strong understanding of lower-level courses, the grade in that course may be used.
  • Sponsorship by an ACM faculty member. A signature is required.
  • Good standing in the ACM College community.

Complete the following:

  • Complete an application verifying qualifications including faculty signature of course(s) for sponsorship.
  • Be interviewed by the Learning Commons Tutoring Coordinator to assess competency in the subject matter and communication skills.
  • Begin the brief training process.


 For more information about tutoring, contact the following offices:

Cumberland Learning Commons: Tutoring Office, Learning Commons, Room L115, 301-784-5669

Bedford County Campus Student Services Office, 814-652-9528, ext. 6224 

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