Personal Safety - Housing


  • Never give or loan your room or apartment to anyone.
  • If your room key is either lost or stolen, you must immediately contact housing staff to request a lock change.
  • Keep your room door closed and locked whenever you are out of your room - even for a few seconds.
  • If you plan to be away for the weekend, lock away your valuables or take them with you.
  • Never permit individuals into your room that neither you nor your roommates know personally.
  • Use the viewer to see who is at the door.
  • Never leave personal valuables (keys, purse, wallet) in plain sight - always lock them away. Do not leave large sums of money or valuables in your room. If you must, make sure it is locked in a secure area.
  • Have all large equipment (TV, radios) engraved with your driver's license number.
  • Do not leave messages on you door about when you will return.
  • Keep ground level windows and doors closed and locked.
  • Keep balcony doors locked at all times, even if on the 2nd or 3rd floors. People have been known to climb up to the balconies.
  • Know fire escape routes.
  • Report malfunctioning locks and other safety devices to the Maintenance Department immediately. If after hours, notify housing or security staff immediately.
  • Always report suspicious persons to Campus Security by calling 301-784-5555.
  • Do not put your address on your key ring.
  • Do not take an open drink from someone else and never leave your drink unattended.
  • Watch out for your friends. Don't leave a friend alone at a party or let them walk home alone.
  • Always carry and show your Willowbrook Woods ID when entering housing and when requested.


  • Keep the noise down. If neighbors complain or it can be heard outside you apartment, you're likely to see the Housing Staff, Security, or an Officer at your door.
  • Don't invite more people than you can control. Big crowds are very hard to control. Sooner or later, a violation will occur or crashers will start trouble. Fire code regulations prohibit more than ten people in an apartment at one time.
  • Know your guests. Every guest should know a host or be accompanied by someone who knows the host. A lot of trouble is caused by people the hosts don't even know. Opening your apartment to uninvited guests in an open invitation to thieves or worse.
  • Remember that alcoholic beverages are prohibited and drug activity is a violation of the law. Alcohol is involved in 90% of rapes and sexual assaults. It dulls you judgment and lessens your inhibitions.
  • Always follow Allegany College of Maryland/Willowbrook Woods guidelines.


  • Have your keys in your hand so that you don't have to search for them when you reach your vehicle.
  • Before entering your vehicle, visually inspect the interior for anything suspicious.
  • As soon as you enter your vehicle, lock all doors and turn on your headlights.
  • When you park at night, try to park close to a light or in a well-lit area.
  • If you see anyone or anything suspicious, call Campus Police (301-784-5555) for an escort to your apartment.
  • Avoid thefts from your vehicle by locking it every time you leave it; by not leaving your windows down; by activating alarms or anti-theft devices and by keeping books, CD players, or other valuables out of sight or locked in the trunk.
  • Don't leave vital information in your car. Registration and insurance cards contain personal information that allows your residence or person to become a target.
  • Keep your key fob in your hand when walking to and from your vehicle. The panic button can be used as an alarm and draw unwanted attention for a attack or assault.


You can report an incident by calling Housing Security at 301-784-5196, Campus Police at 301-784-5555, the police at 911, or an RA at 301-786-7194.

When reporting, attempt to provide as much information as possible about the situation, including at least the following:

  • What happened
  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • If anyone is injured
  • Description and/or names of persons involved
  • Your name, address, phone number (optional, you may choose to remain anonymous)


More information can be found on Housing Safety & Security, Policies, and Procedures in the Student Housing Guide or by visiting the Housing webpage.

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