Corey Smith

Corey Smith

Hero Status

Name: Corey Smith
Major: Massage Therapy

Q & A
  • Being an ACM Allied Health student isn’t easy but our instructors are here to help. In your experience, what are the “superpowers” that make a great instructor stand out?
    The Ability to keep students in line and have respect for you and balance within all of us – doesn’t feel like a drill Sargent. 
  • Has there been a moment in class or an interaction with an instructor or staff member that stands out to you? Tell us about it.
    With one professor, Emily, actually I was concerned about finishing the program, she opened up my eyes and mind to finish and I am very happy about that.
  • What’s been your superpower that’s made you a great Allied Health student?
    The ability to get through just about anything actually – just with the challenges involved.
  • What’s your favorite piece of technology at school or work?
    Massage table- here at ACM its absolutely wonderful what they can do.
  • What 3 things do you like (or love, we’ll always take love) about the courses in your major? 
    It has taught me to take care of myself, time management skills, and given me building blocks to be a better therapist.
  • What experience (or class) at ACM surprised you the most?
    Hospital internship we did was a good surprise.
  • What are your plans after graduation? 
    Work at Bedford Springs, get license in PA and MD and build my own practice one day.
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