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Scholarship Recipients

Celebrating Select Students, Honoring Benefactors
Some lists are simple. Places to visit, birthdays not to miss, movie rankings. Other lists hold greater import, offering a glimpse into the future. These lists are those. Containing the names of ACM Foundation and Bedford County Regional Education Foundation scholarship recipients and their benefactors, these lists celebrate the limitless promise of ACM Students.
Administrative Associate to the Vice President of Advancement and Community Relations
Location: Advancement (AC) 18
ACM Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Bedford County Regional Education Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Are you on the current list?

Be sure to share. (It's okay to brag. Really.) Post to your social media with #ACMproud and tag @alleganycollegeofmaryland. You can even share our posts. Beginning in 2022, scholarship recipients will be announced regularly on social media through a Facebook group specifically for the ACM Scholarship Recipients.

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