Employee HelpDesk Services

Anyone requiring technical assistance is required to submit a helpdesk ticket. Please choose from the options below, or stop by the Technologies Building room T115.

All ticket submissions are assigned within 24 hours and most requests are updated within 1-2 business days. Critical tickets will be handled as soon as possible after submission. You will receive updates in your email regarding your ticket. Please reply to the email that comes from helpdesk-this will ensure that all ticket communication stays with the correct ticket.

When entering a ticket, please be as detailed as possible. Include your name, a phone number, the location of the device, and a description of the issue in your request. If you have done any troubleshooting, please include those details as well. Please note, any requests for software install in a computer lab require a two week notice-be sure to get your requests in early!



Phone icon
Contact HelpDesk by Phone
Call extension 5444 from any campus phone
Call 301-784-5444 from cell phones or off-campus


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Contact HelpDesk by Email
Send an email to ithelpdesk@allegany.edu


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